Terms and Conditions

When you make a booking with us, whether through this website, by phone or by email, you are deemed to have read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.


If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us before making a booking.

1. Your holiday booking:

The person (Hirer) making the booking is responsible for ensuring that all guests included in the booking are aware of these Terms and Conditions and that all guests adhere to them during your stay.

If you are in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions we reserve the right to treat the booking as a cancellation by you and the charges detailed in Section 6 (Cancellation) will apply.

We recommend that you purchase your own Cancellation Protection insurance.


2. Payment:

A non-refundable deposit of £100 is required in order to make your booking and your booking will not be confirmed until this deposit is received. The full balance of your holiday payment is then due no later than 56 days (eight weeks) before the beginning of your stay.

In the event of a booking being made less than 28 days (four weeks) before the beginning of your holiday, full payment is due at the time of booking.

Payment can be made by BACS or Paypal. Please note that we do not accept cheques.

If your deposit or any other payment is withdrawn or returned to us unpaid, we reserve the right to make an additional administration charge of £30 or at the rate charged to us by our bank if greater than £30.


3. Arrival and Departure:

You can arrive at your holiday accommodation after 4.00pm on the start day of the holiday.

If your arrival is delayed, please advise us so that alternative arrangements can be made. If you fail to arrive by midday on the day after the start date, and you do not advise us of a late arrival, we may treat the booking as being cancelled by you. In this event, you remain liable for the full cost of your holiday (see cancellation policy in Section 6).

Please note that the property needs to be vacated by 9.30am on your departure day.


4. Your Holiday Accommodation:

No more than six people are allowed to stay in the holiday accommodation plus one infant under the age of 3 years old.

No additional guests will be allowed to stay in the apartment during the holiday.

Duvets, pillows and bed linen are provided, as are towels and tea towels. Our single bedroom can be set up as a twin room – please let us know at the time of booking if you require the extra bed to be made up.

Electricity to the property is supplied via a pay-as-you-go electric meter which will be pre-paid with enough electricity for a family for a week.  Top up cards can be purchased in the village shop next door, should you find it necessary.

We do ask guests to ensure that non-essential appliances and lights are switched off before going out or before going to bed at night.

You agree to keep the holiday accommodation clean and tidy and leave the property in good condition. You agree to take good care of all furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects in or on the holiday accommodation. Any additional cleaning work that may be required may result in additional charges.

No smoking or vaping is allowed inside the property.  You may smoke in the grounds outside.

You agree to allow the property owner or caretaker of the property access at any reasonable time during your holiday (e.g. for maintenance).


5. Damage:

All damages and breakages are the legal responsibility of the Hirer and should be reported immediately and before the end of the holiday. The reasonable costs of miscellaneous repairs to and/or replacement of and/or additional cleaning of furnishings, fixtures and fittings, kitchen equipment, crockery, glass, keys, bedding and towels damaged or soiled otherwise than by usual wear and tear during the period of the Booking by you or other members of your party shall be payable on demand to the Owner who may also, at their discretion, refuse further bookings.

The Owner has the right to enter the Property (without prior notice if this is not practical or possible) if special circumstances or emergencies arise (for example if repairs need to be carried out). The Owner reserves the right to repossess the Property at any time where you or any member of your party has caused damage, and in such circumstances the Owner shall not be liable to make a refund of any remaining portion of the Guest Price.


6. Cancellation:

If you have to cancel your holiday for any reason, please notify us as soon as possible and confirm the cancellation in writing, sent directly to us at the address shown on your booking confirmation. Cancellations can also be confirmed by e-mail to our listed e-mail address. Any cancellation will become effective from the date that such confirmation reaches us and will be subject to a charge payable by you to compensate for our estimated losses.


Cancellation Charges:

Cancellation received more than 28 days before start of holiday
You are liable for the Deposit only (£100)

Cancellation received between 15-28 days before start of holiday
You are liable for 50% of holiday cost

Cancellation received between 0-14 days before start of holiday
You are liable for 100% of holiday cost


7. Literature:

The Owner and their Agents take every care to ensure the accuracy of the Property descriptions. All information in the brochure or other marketing material and on the property website is given in good faith and is believed to be correct at the time of going to press, but the Owner/Agent cannot be held responsible for changes beyond their control, which may become known after publication of this literature.

The Owner/Agent description of the property shows what amenities the property has but generally does not state what is not in the self-catering property.


8. Liability

Please take reasonable precautions for your own safety whilst in the property and on holiday. The property owners shall not have any liability to you for death or personal injury to you or any member of your party no matter how caused. You and your party must take all necessary steps to safeguard your personal property and vehicles and no liability to you is accepted in respect of damage to or loss of any such property howsoever caused.  It is your responsibility to take out any holiday insurance cover as appropriate.

In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your booking for any reason, we reserve the right to do so, subject to a full refund of all monies paid. We accept no further liabilitiy if such cancellation occurs, but will make every possible effort to secure alternative accommodation if required.


9. Complaints Procedure

We aim to provide a high level of customer service and want all of our guests to be completely happy with their holiday. In the unlikely event that you have any issues with your accommodation, please get in touch with us as soon as possible during your stay so that we can do our best to put it right.

If the Hirer wishes to make a complaint about anything connected with the hire of the Property, they should contact the Owner as soon as reasonably possible on arrival and prior to departure. This can be done by phone or email or in person at the property. The Owner will consider the complaint and take action to resolve any issues as soon as reasonably practicable.

Compensation will not be considered for any complaints that are made after the hire has ended, or where the Hirer has denied the Owner the opportunity to investigate, address or remedy the issue during the Hirer’s stay.

Please note, the Owner cannot accept responsibility or liability for work taking place outside the boundary of the Property, or for noise or nuisance resulting from third party activity over which the Owner has no control.


10. Pets

Up to 2 dogs are allowed to stay at Culnacraig Cottage.

If any Holidaymaker has an allergy to dogs, please be aware that we cannot guarantee that a dog has not stayed in a particular Property. We and Owners cannot accept responsibility for any suffering which may occur as a result of such animals having been present in any of our properties.

Young dogs (e.g. puppies) must be declared at the time of Booking and authorised by the Owner. If a young dog is taken to a Property without the consent of the Owner this could result in you being asked to leave without compensation. When booking online it is advised you check the acceptance of your pet by telephoning first.

The following dog terms apply:

  • Dogs must be under strict control at all times while in or at the Property;
  • Any fouling must be cleared up without delay;
  • The dog owner must bring the dog’s bed or basket for sleeping in;
  • Dogs must not be left alone in or at the Property or elsewhere at any time;
  • Dogs must not lie on beds or furnishings, and hair must be cleared up before departing;
  • Dog owners must ensure that their pets are free from parasites and fleas before they occupy the Property. Failure to do so may incur subsequent charges;

You will be liable for any damage caused by your and any Holidaymakers’ dogs. Any damage is to be reported to the Owner (or their representative) immediately. Any additional cleaning required, that may incur an additional charge, will be at the Owner’s discretion.

If you break the terms of paragraph 10, the Owner may notify you that you have broken these terms and may cancel this Booking and ask that the Holidaymakers leave the Property before the end of the holiday period without compensation, or that they pay an additional reasonable charge.

Pets other than dogs may be allowed at the Owner’s discretion. This must be approved prior to making a Booking and can be arranged by telephoning first.  We have the right to refuse to allow Holidaymakers to enter or stay in the Property or ask Holidaymakers to leave the Property before the end of the holiday period if prior approval has not been given. Additional charges and terms may apply.


11. Force Majeure

The agent or owner cannot accept responsibility or liability for any alterations, delay or cancellation or any other loss or damage caused by war, civil strife, terrorist action, industrial disputes, fire, sickness, bad weather, epidemics, pandemics, acts of any government or public authority, or any other event outside our control.

COVID-19 Statement

To ensure your stay with us is as safe and enjoyable as possible, please read the information below, which sets out some essential information for your stay and forms part of our terms and conditions.

Covid related cancellations and postponements

In the event that you are unable to take your holiday due to covid-19 infection, self isolation, local or national lockdown restrictions, we are happy to move your booking to an alternative date.

If we enter a local lockdown here in Drummore, we will contact you with a view to moving your booking to an alternative date.

In the event of a mutually convenient alternative date not being possible, we will refund your booking in full.

Bookings that are moved may be subject to different minimum stay restrictions and prices and will be charged at the normal price for the new dates.

Enhanced cleaning processes

To minimise the risk of exposure to Covid-19, we thoroughly clean and sanitised our properties between stays. Particular attention is paid to high-contact sites, such as light switches, kitchenware, clothes hangers, door handles and more.

Earlier checkout times

Please ensure you leave by 9.30am to give our cleaners enough time for the additional cleaning that is now needed to prepare the property for our next guests. Thank you for your understanding and help with this.

Maintenance requests

If there is any maintenance that’s needed during your stay:

  • Where possible, we’ll give advice and support over the phone to help you resolve any non-essential maintenance issues. You can find our contact details in your property information folder.
  • If we need to visit the property for essential works during your stay, we will prearrange a convenient time with you. We would require the property to be empty whilst we undertake any work.
  • We’ll carry out any work that is deemed non-essential after your stay.

Before you leave, we need you to do a few things:

  • Please remove the linen from all beds (excluding any mattress and pillow protectors), and place it in the bath.
  • Empty the waste bins from all rooms, putting these into a black bin bag with General Waste.
  • Please ensure that you separate out recycling as per the recycling guidance and place all your rubbish in the appropriate bins.
  • Wash up all kitchen items you have used, using hot soapy water.